Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Franticly Finding Fulfillment

You haven't heard from me in a while. It isn't because I haven't been writing but I have taken a break from writing about my mother and her progressing Alzheimer's.  I had to stop focusing on it and find time to explore other things, to find my happiness and joy.  There is so much to do, so much to experience.  I wake up each morning and dispense with my care giving duties as quickly as possible.  My brain is abuzz with all of the possibilities of the day.  I want to bake something for tea time.  I think about what I will invent...what sweet treat will bring a smile to my mother's face.  This excites me but then I also want to get my other 'have-tos' out of the way so I can write.  I NEED to write.  I breathe to write.  This is my passion, my love, my delight, my fulfillment.  But...   

I try to write about something else.  Yes!  I finish a dark thriller and am pleased with the result considering how distracted I am.  I write something quick and humorous.  It's alright, not brilliant.  I share deep thoughts that seem sad and unfocused.  I look deep within my psyche and explore my motivations.  They ARE sad and unfocused!  Oh!  It's excusable of course.  Just look at our world! What a mess.  The news is filled with ugliness.  People are in crisis, wars continue, stress and worry is rampant.  There are riots, murders, disasters.  I am being dragged into the darkness and sinking into its angry depths.

I try to claw my way out but there are a hundred interruptions.  I am never far from my mother's side.  I do not let the housework and business affairs deter me from my course.  The time is precious.  Each minute must not be wasted.  I am working, busy, frenzied with one eye on every motion, every expression on my mother's face.  Without realizing it the day is half over and I have only managed to write a few sentences while the sweet treat remains as notes on a scrap of paper by my mixer.  I am playing a game of Beat the Clock knowing full-well that my goals are unrealistic.  By the time the lunch dishes are washed and put away it strikes me that I am too tired to bake something.  I take a break intended to last just a few minutes but becomes an hour of listless time-wasting.  I watch a travel log with my mother and know that I will never get done.  

Lost hours, days, months.  Oh how precious time can be!

I shrug and engage in inner dialogue.  These days are the days to devote to other things, to moments that create memories.  Okay then.  How to do that and maintain some balance, some joy, some personal fulfillment?  I make a mental list: take 15 minutes of quality time with Mom.  Write down 5 happy affirming thoughts.  Do something productive that I have put off, like cleaning out a disorganized drawer, sewing on a few buttons,  straightening a closet.  Call or write a friend to maintain that human connection with the outside world.  Finish my day with at least a half hour of quality time with my husband: thank him for being supportive, kind, patient, helpful, steady, loving, and present.  

I feel a calm overtake me.  The brain slows and contentment begins to spread.  I am becoming centered and focused.  I realize that life without a plan is unsettling.  I begin the new day with a smile, a purpose and joy.

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