Friday, December 8, 2017

White Rooftops and Cinnamon Coffee

As we decorated the house for Christmas today, we looked out the window and saw that big white snowflakes were falling. It was a magical moment.  Here in North Carolina we don't get that much snow and being a native of Southern California, it is twice as exciting whenever the white stuff begins to fall.  I began yelling for my mother to come see.  She didn't understand.  She hustled over to the kitchen counter thinking that it was time for lunch.
"No Mom.  It's snowing," I yelled excitedly.  "Look outside!"
Mom nodded and continued to sit at the counter looking for her plate.
It took a while for her to comprehend.  There was just too much distracting her, but eventually she went to the window and looked outside.  Like a child she smiled a big smile and exclaimed, "Oh look!  It's snowing outside."
"Yes!  That's what I was trying to tell you." I showed her how the ground was turning white.  Mom began singing, 'It's raining it's pouring, the old man is snoring...'
"No,'s snowing," I corrected.
Mom continued to sing her song though.  She was stuck in the raining/pouring loop.  Five minutes later she asked me, "Is it snowing outside?"
"Why YES!  Look at that!" I remarked.  (Sometimes I just enter her world.
 It's easier than saying 'I know...I told you that before'.)

I turned on some Christmas music and began to sing along. Skip made some cinnamon coffee and the spirit of Christmas filled the air.  Mom parked herself in the hallway as I began to decorate the tree.  She seemed to understand that something different was happening and I asked her if she knew what time of year it was.  She thought for a while and then, miraculously announced "It's Christmas!" Then I encouraged her to sing along with the Christmas songs but again she took up the Raining/Pouring refrain.

A few minutes later a friend dropped by and Mom began singing her song to my friend.  She was smiling with excitement as she pointed outside.  I had my own song I sang in my head. 
'It sleeting and snowing;
but Mom isn't knowing. 
She doesn't know rain from snow,
But my oh my she's glowing!'

When my friend left I thought that I might try one more time.  "Hey Mom.   You know the song 'White Christmas'?"
Mom blinked at me, so I sang a few bars to remind her.  I figured it would help her understand that it was snowing outside.  She remained silent so I said something about the growing blanket of white. The rooftops were beginning to hold the snow as well as the grass and trees.  What a visual treat!  "Mom, look!" I walked her to the front window.  She looked out in amazement.  A big smile lit up her face.  "Look!  It's snowing outside," she told me.  Then, as if I hadn't heard it before she began to sing...well, you know:  "It's raining it's pouring..."

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